Tom's Two-up Two-down


Shuffle a Deck of Cards

How do you shuffle a deck of playing cards? I created a shuffle function using the Fisher–Yates Shuffle for a game I was working on, and I've tweaked that code a bit for this example. We will swap a random card from the unshuffled portion of a deck with the last unshuffled card in the deck. We then decrement the number of unshuffled cards and repeat. Got that?

Lets take a look at the code. First, I generate a new deck, which is an array of card objects. Then I pass the deck to a shuffle function.

const newDeck = () => {
const deck = [];
const suits = ["♤", "♢", "♧", "♡"];
const ranks = [

// Build fresh deck as an array of objects
for (let i = 0; i < ranks.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < suits.length; j++) {
card: ranks[i] + suits[j],
rank: ranks[i],
suit: suits[j],
color: j % 2 === 0 ? "black" : "red",
return deck;

Now I shuffle the array of card objects. Call shuffle(newDeck()) passing the deck newDeck() returns.

const shuffle = (deck) => {
// deck is an array of card objects
let numUnshuffledCards = deck.length;
let randomUnshuffledCard;
let lastUnshuffledCard;

// While unshuffled cards remain
while (numUnshuffledCards) {
// Pick random number betweeen 0 inclusive and number of unshuffled cards
// Then decrement the number of unshuffled cards by 1
randomUnshuffledCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * numUnshuffledCards--);
// Assign the last card in the unshuffled portion to a variable
lastUnshuffledCard = deck[numUnshuffledCards];
// Move the random card to the last unshuffled card's position
deck[numUnshuffledCards] = deck[randomUnshuffledCard];
// Move the last unshuffled card to the random card's previous position
deck[randomUnshuffledCard] = lastUnshuffledCard;

return deck;


I can simplify shuffle() with array destructuring.

const shuffle = (deck) => {
// deck is an array of card objects
let numUnshuffledCards = deck.length;
let randomUnshuffledCard;

// While unshuffled cards remain
while (numUnshuffledCards) {
// Pick random number betweeen 0 inclusive and number of unshuffled cards
// Then decrement the number of unshuffled cards by 1
randomUnshuffledCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * numUnshuffledCards--);
// Swap the random card with the last unshuffled card in the array
[deck[randomUnshuffledCard], deck[numUnshuffledCards]] = [

return deck;